Do I Have an Ingrown Toenail?

What’s an Ingrown Toenail? Ingrown toenails are a common foot condition where the toenail is curved and grows into the skin. This most commonly happens at the sides of the nail at the nail borders on the big toes. This digging in of the toenail can cause skin irritation, soreness and pain, redness, swelling, warmth...

Diabetes and Your Feet — The Importance of Diabetic Foot Care

You Have Diabetes. Now What? So, you’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes. There’s a lot for you to manage. You must check your blood sugar, be active, stay on top of your medications, make healthy food choices, and so much more. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. With so many things going on,...

The Diabetes Epidemic

What is Diabetes? November is diabetes awareness month, so what better time to learn about diabetes? Make sure you read our article that focuses more on diabetic foot care and the importance of working with a podiatrist if you currently suffer from diabetes. The number of Americans living with diabetes is staggering. 1.4 million Americans...

What’s a Tailor’s Bunion and How Do I Treat It?

What is a Tailor’s Bunion or Bunionette? You’ve probably heard about bunions. Since an estimated 30% of Americans have had a bunion at some point, you probably know someone who’s had a bunion! But have you ever heard of the less common tailor’s bunion? While regular bunions usually affect the big toe, a tailor’s bunion,...